This has been the longest I have gone without posting. I am currently in the midst of finals wasteland. In the next three days I have to finish two 2,500 word papers and study for two exams. Apparently they weren't kidding about the whole
STUDY abroad thing. I can't complain though, classes here really are not that bad. The four hour lectures can be rough to pay attention during the whole time, but overall they are quite enjoyable.
Since I have been hittin' the books and saving money for ITALY, I have not had many adventures the last week. At first I felt sad, but then I realized this is the most exciting part. I am just LIVING abroad. It's not vacation, its home. When I was booking Barcelona with Lindsay today, we said our flight HOME and I really liked the sound of that. Now in London I have just been...
Meeting friends for some good chineese food...
Chinese New Years
Cooking dinner with flat mates....
Running errands around town
Jeremy being creative with obscenely heavy groceries
Trying a new fitness class
Jeremy's Krav Maga partner... who accidentally punched him in the face. |
Krav Maga was a GREAT workout. Excuse the sweaty mess
Chilling with friends...
And waiting for them to get KFC on the walk home
All the while, stopping and realizing I live here...
But sadly ... well not sadly at all really. London and I will be spending lots of weekends apart.. I have book many travels for the month of March!
Jenny and I return from Italy February 20th and then after that..
Feb 28th- Going to Warrick to see Karla
March 5th- Eating my way through Brussels with Jeremy, Brianne and Jenny
March 11th- Amsterdam with Nick, Matt and Leora for Nick's Birthday!
March 18th- Mamanella Comes!!!
March 25th- Barcelona with Lindsay
As I read it, I can't help feel all gitty inside... oh wait I just looked at the stacks of reading I have to.
Sorry for the kind of cheesy post. Blame it on the sleep deprivation.
Back to Studying!